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Organic Farming and the Future

Conventional farming which has only existed a short time in the history of the earth has taken a terrible toll in such a short time. Pesticides, Herbicides and GMOs are harming our planet. These chemicals and artificially created plants are changing and interrupting natural processes, polluting the water supply and poisoning insects and animals.

The Meier Family Organic Farm

A family business!

A new beginning

The Meier Family came to Canada from Germany in 1999 and achieved Certified Organic status for their farm in 2003. Farmers Hans and Rosemarie have been practicing holistic farming methods from the beginning, instilling their values of sustainable agriculture and environmental stewardship into their children and grandchildren.

Holistic Sustainable Agriculture

Sustaining the environment while simultaneously profiting from it and nurturing it is our passion. Organic farming mean nothing chemical or artificial touches our fields, animals or produce, which results in a healthier, cleaner product for you. Each year we must pass a rigorous certification process in order to guarantee the highest quality products.

We also farm holistically, with the environment rather than against it. Our fields feed the animals and give us grains to sell, the animals provide meat and more as well as manure to replenish the fields and garden. The garden provides us with produce for our family and yours.

Where to buy our Products

You can purchase our products, everything from Lamb, goat, lambskins, goats milk soaps and pasteurized goat milk products, produce and preserves, grains and dried goods, cookies and cakes and more, all made of and with products grown and raised right here on the farm. Seasonally we also have a roadside farm stand which is now open, and we will be at the Welland Farmer's market with fresh produce again this summer.

Back to Nature

Educating the public not just about farming but about farming in a way that is in tune with the environment is key to creating a brighter, better future. Kids blossom in a rural setting, they learn to play again without depending on screens and gizmos, they have a natural wonder about nature and they love to learn. Youngsters who know about food production, environmental damage and renewable resources will hold their elders responsible and they will do better. However they also emulate us adults, so do your best to respect nature.

Hands On

Kids love to get their hands dirty - and so do we. There is something so therapeutic about being hands on with nature. When you feel something with your own two hands it becomes much more real. Living our urban lifestyle we get distracted and it's easy to forget about the environment that makes life possible for us.

Subscribe to our newsletter to find out about special events held on the farm such as petting zoo days, workshops and tours coming soon on the farm.

The petting zoo is currently open Saturdays from 11am-3pm weather permitting.

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(c) all images copyright of Zeta Farms Ltd, 2017

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